Today was supposed to be a hurricane day.  Since we live in Florida we are used to hurricanes and know how to plan for them.  The first thing I always do is plan a huge indoor project that I never accomplish.  The idea is that we are held captive and can’t do anything else anyway so we may as well tackle that “thing” that we have been meaning to do for ages.

The reason we never actually do the plan is complicated.  Sometimes the storm hits too late in the day to get started.  By the time the next day rolls around the storm has passed and life goes on. 

Part of accomplishing the plan has to do with the cable being out.  There has to be something to do when there is no TV to watch.  One year we rented all the “Sex in the City” DVD’s from our local video store.  We had never seen the show and decided this would be a good thing to pass time.  We did actually accomplish that plan, it was a long storm.  By the time we were able to go out we went straight to the local bar so I could order a Cosmopolitan.  I had to taste one and I loved them.  Who knew that three was too many? 

The DVD situation has really ruined the plan.  Now John prepares in advance. The only way to get away from the TV now is if the power goes out.  The last several storms we had, we never lost cable or power.  Plus, if the power goes out we can’t accomplish anything anyway.

This storm, I planned on doing the fall house cleaning.  It is almost fall and it needs to be done.  Since I never accomplish the plan anyway and we didn’t get the storm, I thought I should go through with it and get it done.  John had that deer in the headlights look when I told him about the plan.  He was very grateful that he wasn’t involved and left as soon as he could.

I put on the rubber gloves and tackled those jobs that we all hate to do.  Going where no man has gone before, I took my bucket of pine sol and scrubbed both bathrooms from top to bottom.  I don’t know what it is about scrubbing bathrooms but getting the walls, doors and windows extra clean is always so gratifying.  Spring and Fall cleaning is just different from normal everyday cleaning.  I have a love/hate relationship with it, I hate to do it but love how everything looks when it is all done.

The house is now scrubbed in places that rarely get attention.  Everything smells fresh and clean.  I already see things I missed but the will have to wait until the next hurricane.  They can be the next plan.  This storm has passed.


What is paradise like?  This question can go two ways in my mind; the heavenly paradise that is beyond imagination or the place I run when life gets too much.  I choose to describe the latter.

I run away in my mind to a place where people love and care about each other when life gets too much for me. It is filled with people who are honest, kind and thoughtful, who care about their neighbors, friends and relatives.  No one is fat, thin or ugly; we do not look alike but we are all beautiful from the soul.

No one has too much and no one needs for anything.  There is no class system.  And no worries either.  Everyone does their share because the community is more important than the one.  We don’t have to search for what our gifts are, they flow from us and are obvious and we are comfortable with them.   We are allowed to be who we are without being judged.  We teach and learn together. 

The temperature is in the mid 70s, warm enough to enjoy the days and cool enough in the evenings to need the warmth of another human being.  It would rain sometimes so that the plants and flowers get their fill and also to remind everyone of how much we love the sunshine.   We are near water and lush vegetation.  Everywhere you look is beauty.  Waterfalls, flowers, fluffy white clouds and lovely blue skies. 

There are nooks that are quiet enough for meditation and large areas that the community gathers to celebrate and socialize.  People do not suffer from diseases; young children do not die in vain.  No one is cast aside; we all matter and are able to see each other through God’s eyes.  And there is no war.

Life is simple, easy and happy.  That is paradise to me.

5 Songs I Would Have On A Desert Island

Five songs that I would have with me on a desert island sounds like an easy topic but it is hard!  Actually naming the songs isn’t as hard as the “why”.   And what am I going to use to play them?  They will always be in my head and heart.

  1.  Dream A Little Dream of Me by Mama Cass.  This is my very favorite song.  It’s a little jazzy, a little bluesy; everyone needs a little of that in their life.
  2. Free by Church of Rhythm.  Being on a desert island I would be FREE from all of the trappings society puts on me.  Free to live the life I want, not worry about the past…. Live simple, pure.
  3. In This Life by Colin Raye.  In this life I am blessed to have been loved by you. 
  4. A Broken Wing by Martina McBride.  After a few broken wings, I am really learning how to fly!
  5. The Lord Is My Shepherd by Dennis Jernigan.  Everything about this song is beautiful.  The beautiful prayer set to music.  Amazing.

There you have it, my top 5 picks in no particular order.  I just cannot imagine my world without this music.  I have copied the U-Tube links for your listening pleasure. 

What would you pick? 



Often when I am asked a question of this type it helps me to go to a dictionary and look up the word.  I know what it means but I need a clear definition to let my thoughts flow.  One definition I found was ” Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity”.  I take that to mean what gets my rear end moving!

I like to be around people who think outside the box.  I like to move outside my comfort zone.  Notice that I did not say anything about being afraid.  I am normally afraid to move out of my comfort zone, I have just learned to do it anyway.  My best experiences have come from doing what I didn’t want to do when I didn’t want to do it.

Starting to write my blog was IN my comfort zone but sharing it with others, THAT was way outside the zone!  Somewhere deep inside I heard the voice that said to do it anyway.  As long as I am true to who I am it doesn’t matter if people think I am weird.

I am 55 years old, last year I took ice skating lessons.  Ok, I only took two lessons but that was quite enough.  I did it.  I do not feel the need to do it again.  I have a lot of experiences like that.  I told the world in another blog how fat I was.  I AM weird!  Who cares?!

People who are willing to take risks are amazing.   I told my husband the other day I’d rather break my leg doing something fun than by tripping over a piece of furniture.  At least it will be a better story!


Guilty pleasures for me have changed so much in the past few months.  Before probably all of them would have been food related.  From Buffalo wings to Cheetos and all the chocolate you could find, they were not only my guilty pleasures but also my best friends.  Things are all different now, and hopefully forever.

I am learning to find new guilty pleasures.  Manicures and pedicures are certainly a wonderful gift to give myself.  This week I had my first massage and I know it will not be my last.  They will become a treat for my body and my soul.  I think pampering myself with services of this kind are pleasures I am not used to and it is about time I start enjoying them. 

I don’t see myself having a massage every month but I will work it in to my budget and reward system.  I had a facial done years ago and it would be nice to have one again.  I want these things to be special and doing it too often ruins the experience for me.

I love to sit in the hot tub and just relax.  It is the one spot that I get to be completely alone.  John rarely joins me.  Sometimes I talk John into lighting the outside fireplace and just relax and watch the fire.  It makes for a perfect evening.  It is definitely a guilty pleasure to be alone with my thoughts and just be still.

I define guilty pleasures today as time well spent.  I am learning to take care of myself and believe I am worth the treat.


After using other peoples computers forever, I decided it was time I combine all my records to my own device.  I originally wanted a small laptop but changed my mind in the store and ended up buying a Toshiba Thrive, an android tablet.  

Buying new technology ( to me anyway) was my first mistake.  I have very little patience to learn new things.  I do not read manuals but I do catch on fast if someone SHOWS me what to do. 

 When it came time to buy a new cell phone, I bought one that had very few features, call and text were enough for me and I hate texting so even that was a stretch.  Given that, what on earth was I thinking buying a tablet?

I did manage to set up a Gmail account, after my friend Dan helped me.  That is why there is 100 after my name, he said I should do it so I did.  I started with a 1, which was taken, then went to 2, 3, 4 and got frustrated and used 100.  Ha – take that gmail.  I should have known right there to return the tablet and surrender to a laptop.

It took me forever to figure out that I had to enter my contacts in a separate app to send emails from scratch.  I am used to Outlook and this is completely different.  I then had issues deleting emails.  I could delete but how do you delete from trash?  After 3 weeks, I finally find out I have to use a regular computer to do this.  So much for only having one device. 

I paid to download the app Quickoffice which is an android application that is compatible with Windows Word, Excel and Powerpoint.  Somehow I accomplished that because I received a Gmail telling me I did it and a charge on my credit card.  However when I clicked the icon, there was a blank page.  I rebooted several times and still nothing.  I gave up and started playing Sudoku.  So far I have paid for a machine I can receive emails and play games!

 Normally I am too stubborn to ask for help but not this time.  People were running from me…NOOO I can’t help you…Again I went to my friend Dan, he has the patience of a saint!  He figured out the  Quickoffice issue, I was using the wrong icon.  I am so over my head. 

This is my first attempt at writing an actual document.  I have not purchased the accessory keyboard yet so I am one finger typing.  If you are reading this blog, I was successful. 

 I am sure in another six months I will be a whizz at this but for now, I need a six-year-old to teach me please!

 PS – I had to email this to my work PC to post on the blog because I didn’t have Control-V to paste it to the blog…ho hum.  It is going to be a long summer!